How to choose an electric scooter

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This vehicle has gained wide popularity due to its environmental friendliness, quietness, ease of use. A scooter with an electric stroke can travel up to 60 km on one charge, and the charging process will require only 2-3 hours of power from the main. It is difficult to choose the right one for you among the huge number of models of electric scooters, when you do not know what points to pay attention to and what to ask consultants about. If you plan to pick up an electric scooter, you should take into account the following aspects:

  • what distances you plan to overcome every day;
  • in what conditions you will drive (the quality of the road surface, weather conditions in your area);
  • what landing will suit you (whether you drive standing, or the presence of a seat is a fundamental point);
  • weight limit: a very important parameter if you are going to lift the scooter into the entrance, and not to leave it in the parking lot. Individual models reach a weight of 90 kg. But if you assume that sometimes you have to carry the vehicle, you should pay attention to electric scooters weighing up to 15 kg. Even if there is no need to carry an escooter, you can get into a situation where the route will change due to circumstances beyond your control during the movement, the charge will not be enough, and you will have to drive your transport by-hand.

When choosing an electric scooter, you find yourself between two extreme points: to save and buy a low-power model, or to spend more money, but also to get more opportunities at your disposal. To make the right choice and find the “Golden mean” specifically for your needs, you must first calculate what power of the motor will be optimal and meet your expectations, but not exceeding your budget. Do not forget to consider three main aspects: distance, boarding and travel conditions.