How to sell things to a beginning designer? There are many platforms for realizing all fashion ideas.
For example, you can contact as they are looking for high-caliber luxury beauty brands. This is a very promising platform that will allow your imagination to unfold to its fullest, create and enjoy what you do, while earning good money.

Whether you’re an art director, illustrator, or 3D artist, you have the opportunity to sell your design materials directly. Whether you want to publish a book, sell your experimental designs as prints, create your own T-shirts, or delve into luxury product design, it’s easier than ever.
Pull yourself together
The problem is acute, but its solution is ridiculously simple. All you need is to establish active communication between representatives of different areas of the beauty industry and begin to treat your product with respect, without giving it to strangers for free and without any guarantees. Fortunately, representatives of the fashion community have finally begun to communicate with each other, share information about production facilities, textile warehouses, unscrupulous sellers, and create a community.
Create a story

Another mistake of a novice designer is to create a collection, send things to the first store they come across, “just to hang,” and not worry about the relevance of the sales space. But it is necessary that a piece of art aimed at a specific audience meets it. Sometimes this requires a systematic search, sometimes a happy accident.
In the world of rapid dissemination of information, everyone wants too quick results – to sew a couple of dresses and immediately start selling. Meanwhile, the first stage is the most energy-intensive and often lengthy – to make sure that the brand begins to be recognized and, as a result, desired. There are no ready-made solutions for this, especially now, when for every proven rule there are a thousand exceptions.